How to Spice Up Your Marriage Over Text (+Examples)

spice up your marriage over text

I can’t remember who said:

A successful marriage is falling in love many times with the same person.

While this is true, it’s a bit easier said than done.

Most Long-term relationships naturally struggle in the romance and passion department.


You can bring romance and passion back to your marriage – simply by pushing a few buttons on your phone.

I’ve recently discovered that texting is the quickest and easiest way to spice up my marriage and bring passion back to our everyday busy life (it’s a part of flirting with your spouse – that shouldn’t be neglected).

In this post, you’ll discover exactly how to use texting to spice up your relationship with your husband – to make him think about you all day (and love you all night…)

Can you Spice Up Your Marriage Through Texting?  

When you’re married or in a relationship for a long time, you have to work to keep the passion alive. We all know that.

According to Michael Fiore, a well-known marriage expert:

“Pushing a few buttons on your cell phone can create a private little fantasy world between you and your spouse, where you can say or do anything without anyone else having a clue.”

I’ve had Michael Fiore’s “Text the Romance” guide for about 2 weeks and I have to admit that I haven’t gotten this much attention from my husband in a long time. It’s like we’re newlyweds again.

The texts I’ve been sending him have had a huge impact on him. I was blown away by all the romance just those few texts have caused.

And I want to share some of this with you and show you how easy and effective it is to use texting to spice up your marriage.

Did you know?

In 2016, 21% of cellphone owners or internet users in a committed relationship felt closer to their spouse because of exchanges they had online or via text message. (source)

How to Spice Up Your Marriage Through Texting

According to Mike Fiore (a well-known relationship coach and best-selling author), there are only three things you have to do to wake up the romance center of any man’s brain and turn him into the “romantic beast” you deserve:

  • Remind him what a valuable prize you are…and bait him into hunting and chasing you again.
  • Give him “permission” to be a guy.
  • Make him feel safe.

And yes, you can do all of that with the cell phone you’ve got in your pocket or purse right now.

There are plenty of romantic love messages for him you can send your spouse, but even “cheesy” texts, sent the right way, can send massive thrills through your man.

For example:

“You have no idea how much I love and appreciate you, but I’m going to show you tonight”.

Flirty Texting to Spice Things Up

Flirty texts are tiny little messages sent during the day, that “force” your spouse to start thinking about you and craving for you.

They create a hunger in him to see you and even get his inner motor running so he starts fantasizing about you and becoming a little obsessed with you.


(The Tease) If you were here right now…

(Super simple and gets any guy engaged)


When I see you tonight I’m going to…

Him: What?

You: “Oh, you’ll find out… 🙂


You can’t even imagine how it’s going to feel when I…

Simple, easy, and very effective.

Dirty Texting to Spice Up Your Marriage

The key to “dirty” texting is to use the right words and the right language to engage your husband’s imagination and to make him feel like he had a highly charged “dirty” experience with you, even if he is miles away from you right now.

But this doesn’t involve going right for “vulgar” without build-up or anticipation.

You have to use tension and anticipation to build up and tease him…and to use “power words” of “feel” and “imagine” to hijack the sexual center of his brain.

Here’s how you do it:

Step #1 – the “Curiosity Magnet”

This is a simple hook to get him to pay attention to you…now.

Step #2 – establish a sexual context

Step #3 – take control and narrate your spouse’s experience for him.

Step #4 – use the “anticipation builder” to turn your dirty text into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Here’s an example:

You (out of nowhere): “I can’t stop thinking about…

Him: About what?

You: “Your ass when you stepped out of the shower this morning. It’s all I could do not to drag you back into bed with me”.

Him: “Oh really? J”

You: “Really. You have no idea how gorgeous you are…I wish I was there with you right now. Just imagine me walking into your office, this hunger all across my face…”

(At this point you continue to narrate the scene in the present tense to give a really nice ride, I don’t want to get explicit here, you get the idea).

Than you finish off with something simple like:

“Can’t wait to see you tonight…you have no idea how you turn me on. Try not to think about … (something he really likes sexually).

Remember, have fun with this, and the sky is the limit.

More Ideas for Texts

In my favorite ebook I’ve found lots of different texts, here’s what I’ve learned (and use every day):

  • Sensual Compliments – how to add spark to your day, draw his attention to you, and get his passion center working in overdrive.
  • Text Kisses (yup)
  • Appreciation Texts – making him feel wanted, desired, and appreciated.
  • How to use “digital foreplay” and “private whispers” to stimulate his senses, get him thinking about you, get him “in the mood” and crave you without resorting to uncomfortable or vulgar words and phrases.
  • How to use these texts in unique situations like long-distance relationships and business trips.

Again, these things work like magic. It’s like we’re love-struck teenagers, making out in the movies again.

I love just knowing that I’ve just put a big (sexy) smile on his face, each time I send him one of these flirty texts.

Rooting for ya,


5 thoughts on “How to Spice Up Your Marriage Over Text (+Examples)”

  1. This is very difficult for me, knowing him and mistress texted everyday. Yes, every single day for 18 months. Even though they saw each other multiple times a week…. Anyway, I know I completely neglected the love of my life for years and I really want to save my marriage and let him know that I love him, but all of this also reminds me of what he had and did with her. It’s just not special anymore and it’s breaking my heart…

    • Corine,

      You are you and she is she. You are in definition special because there is no one else exactly like you.
      You can’t think like that.
      What about other women he texted and been with before he met you?
      What about guys who were special to you before you met your partner?
      The reason we suffer so much in life is because we can’t let go of the past. We carry this huge, heavy bag of past with us anywhere we go, and for no good reason at all. The past is dead, there is only now.
      Now you want him back, so the past doesn’t matter anymore.
      I hope you understand what I mean.
      I wish you all the best,

  2. Great advice. Pour on the “little bits of love” wile the marrriage is still simmering. Our motto is “It’s better to prepare than to repair!”

    Keep up the wonderful work!


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