31 Romantic Date Night Ideas (to Have FUN Together)

On our last date night, I stabbed my husband in the stomach.
Luckily, he was wearing protective clothing.

We were fencing, and I lost. We laughed all the way home.

Why are romantic date night ideas so important?

Because date nights are one of the easiest and most fun ways to keep the spark in your marriage, strengthen your bond and deepen your friendship, whether you’ve been married for one year or thirty.

31 Fabulous Date Night Ideas (to Have FUN Together)

When it comes to dating when you’re long-time married, it’s hard to break out of the dinner-movie-cocktail-repeat pattern.

While these are great, they can become a little predictable.

These 31 date night ideas for married people will effortlessly rejuvenate your marriage and bring back the passion to your love life, without costing an arm and a leg (if you avoid the fencing class that is).

31 Fun & Romantic Date Night Ideas 

1. Go Glamping – glam camping in the backyard is one of our favorite date night ideas.

Pitch a tent (you can even do this in the living room), get a lot of throws and pillows and have a romantic picnic, imagining you are anywhere in the world.

2. Go to the Ballet/Opera – a great chance to dress super fancy, plus singing and drama. Have you seen Black Swan? Totally worth the price of admission.

3. Trivia night at the bar – what a great chance to prove that you know so much more than him/her, right?

4. Go on a brewery tour – sample some bears, get slightly drunk and make out in the car. The same goes for wine tasting.
5. Go to Karaoke – it’s always a huge turn on to make fun of yourself. And you both will, I promise.

6. Go Ice Skating/Roller Skating – classic. Just promise each other to lift each other when you fall on your face. Laughing out loud is allowed.

Did you know?

Research from The University of Denver shows that couples who make time for fun activities tend to stay together longer!

7. Take a dancing class – one of the best date night ideas ever. Romantic and fun at the same time. Try Flamenco – it’s sexier than square dancing.
Plenty of studios offer classes for first-timers and stepping on each other’s feet is allowed and recommended.

8. Go on a dinner cruise – here’s one extremely romantic date night. Dinner is romantic, boats are romantic. That’s a lot of romance for two people.

9. Go to a nude beach – if you can do this together, there’s nothing you can’t do. Why be naked under the covers on your bedroom when you can take a chance and be naked around a lot of strangers?

See how to flirt with your husband (21 cute & naughty ways)

10. Coffee shop and a deck of cards. Always fun.

11. Nostalgia night – go through your wedding album and watch your wedding video together. Looking at old pictures with your husband is always romantic and fun (if you don’t mind the predictable “Look how young you were!” statement)

12. Sporting Event – he’ll fall in love with you all over again if you surprise him with tickets to his favorite sporting event, I promise.

13. Play Twister in Bed – you know how this ends. And see 74 (!!) more sexy bedrooms games at the Dating Divas website

14. Rent a hotel room for the night. You know what to do next.

15. Go on a ghost tour together – head on this fun adventure together. You’ll have more than a few reasons to hold your hands real tight.

16. Backyard Spa – find a cheap kiddie pool, fill it with a bubble bath, add some candles around it, some romantic music and have a spa night in your backyard.

17. Volunteer together at a shelter or soup kitchen – giving back to the community can bring you and your date closer together. A sense of peace and good fortune will bond you.

If you’re celebrating your anniversary – check out 100+ funny marriage anniversary quotes and wishes!

18. Go to a flea market and choose a non-expensive yet meaningful gift for one another.

19. Ride a city bus for the entire route together.

20. A penny walk – go for a walk in your neighborhood (better yet – a neighborhood that you’ve never been to) and flip a coin each time you get to a corner to see where to go. We love it!

21. Challenge each other to a Wii tournament. And, you can always make your husband’s fantasy come true by offering an X-Box date night.

22. Test drive a sports car for fun.

23. Try some “get to know ya” type of games like TABLETOPICS, cook a meal together and get to know each other even more than you do now (you can, trust me)

24. Go to an upscale Jazz Club – get all dresses up, sip fancy cocktails and enjoy the amazing music.

25. Play a prank on a mutual good friend.

26. Go See a Great Speaker – keep an eye for inspiring speakers that come into your area and go together.

27. Go to a comedy club – laughing together will make you fall in love with each other all over again. You’ll come home in a great mood.

28. Strip Scrabble – the spouse who can’t score higher than the other has to remove an item of clothing. If one spouse challenges a word and wins, he/she can put back an item of clothing.

29. Lingerie Shopping – sexy and hilarious at the same time. Let your husband choose lingerie for you and giggle in front of the dedicated sales women’s eyes.

30. Visit a Food Festival – spend an evening jumping from booth to booth, enjoying good food and good wine. You’ll have a great time.

31. The Selfie Date – document yourselves on a date from the moment you get dressed and he puts on a tie and do it all night long (in the car, at dinner, etc) and everywhere you go.

We did this once and spent an entire date (the next week) just looking at the pictures and having fun with it.

More Ways to Bring The Spark Back

Making the effort to find unique and fun date night ideas (and making them happen!) can be a real struggle with your busy schedules. I know.

BUT, they are worth every single moment of planning and they can do more than keep you two together – They can strengthen your friendship, your bond and make your marriage last a lifetime.

Any time you two do something together, the fun gets immediately associated with your relationship. You get an excited, good feeling when you do fun things together.

See the fastest way to bring back the spark to your marriage

Simply put, when you have fun with your husband, you begin to think of him as fun. And that goes for him too.

Just planning a date can give a new conversation topic for married couples that feel they don’t have much to talk about with their spouse.

Armed with these great couples date night ideas, it’s time for you to start. How about tomorrow night?

What’s your favorite date night idea? Share your ideas with me, I can’t wait!

Rooting for ya,



Texting is another powerful and easy way to ignite the romance and the spark in your marriage. Here are 101 love text messages you can send to your husband, to let him know how important he is to you.

4 thoughts on “31 Romantic Date Night Ideas (to Have FUN Together)”

  1. I am so glad I have came across this article! My SO recently cheated on me and he has shown so much remorse and feel really bad for it. We dot do much together anymore, we don’t even go out. Work has gotten in the way. So we decided every Friday or Saturday will be date night. Problem is, we couldn’t think of anything to do without the kids besides going to the movies or out to eat. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!

  2. As usual you share a lot of helpful information.

    Keep up the good work encouraging couples to focus on each others needs.



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